Mainly I've been shooting on Porta 400 or Superia 400, but has anyone tried out pushing film to get shots in low-light? What kind of film do you guys use and are you happy with the results
I just picked up some P3200TMAX BW film which should result in some awesome pictures, but really grainy which I don't like.
almost everyone only has an SD card so I might be preaching to the choir here.
if you do only have a digital camera, go buy a 35mm film camera and some 800iso film. You can get the ~~worst~~ coolest shots of your life in a new medium for under $50 camera included.
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I have an SRT200 that I currently have a roll of HP5 in, but I mainly shoot on a K1000 or a Pentax point and shoot. Ideally I get a Nikon F3/T before the end of winter.
Almost all of the film I have developed and posted here has been 400iso colour film that expired before I was born so I'm looking forward to seeing the results from the HP5
I use a Pentax k1000 so far, also have a Yashica D TTL medium format that I 'am looking to try out soon
I'll post some of the Hp5 stuff in the photo section, do you self develop?
I did some BW developing in my school's darkroom. I got my first 5 or so rolls out of that but because I'm so close to a camera store, its easier for me to pay them to do it for me.
nice, I wish I was closer to a camera store, had to start developing on my own because it would take to much time and cost for store development. Why I shoot mainly in B&W, probably
What do you use to scan BW film?
Have you done and B&W in an abandon? Also do you do anything about lighting?
Currently part of the way through an HP5 roll I've shot in abandoned places. I haven't done anything with lighting. I don't have a working external flash so I just use my tripod for dark shots
11 months ago
Wow I was planning to do the same post. So far I’ve only shot a few rolls of ilford hp 400 and one roll of delta 3200. Sticking to B & W easyer to develop at home, the few shops that do develop send the roll to Toronto anyway. What are you using for a camera?