Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


 • 4 weeks ago

Hello Everyone! I think its finally about time to submit an application for level 2. Being apart of this community over the last 4 years has been amazing! I feel as if I may meet the criteria for level 2, providing more then 1 popular location over the 4 years I've been apart of this website. I've also a decent amount of albums not only to my own locations but also many others I've descovered along the way! I still have many more photos I need to post as I haven't been around here in a while! But I'd like to thank everyone who conciders electing me :)


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Promotion Election

Community Votes

Application Level 2
Status In Progress
Up 6
Down 3

• 2 weeks ago

Meets requirements, but try to be more consistent

• 2 weeks ago


• 2 weeks ago

you far exceed all the requirements.

• 2 weeks ago

ugh, this was not easy, but a bit more activity in the last year would help, more recent activity and I would vote yes

• 3 weeks ago

agreed with below. last album from user before applying for 2 was uploaded may 2023. be active for a few more weeks now and this'll be a yes.

• 3 weeks ago

I mean.. he does meet requirements. But all the activity I can see is from 1+ years ago so the user has not been active (which he actually stated in the election post). So for that reason, I will have to down vote.

• 3 weeks ago


• 4 weeks ago


• 4 weeks ago

Exceeds Requirements for level 2