Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


 • 1 month ago

hello everyone. i was previously rejected for being a couple locations under the requirements.

anyways, you can view my initial yappery here: https://ominous.app/election/43

i am now resubmitting my election request as i meet the requirements and have been a pretty active user. i like exploring, and i like draining, and i want to get more into photography once DA buys me a camera. thank you.


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1 month ago

dissatisfaction always finds the best places to go around and visit. He also is able to find a lot of new things and explores around (he has too much time, someone get this man a job)


1 month ago

This is the most obvious 'up vote' of the summer.

Promotion Election

Community Votes

Application Level 3
Status Approved
Up 9
Down 0

• 1 month ago

Most definitely an up vote

• 1 month ago


• 1 month ago

well done enjoy level 3

• 1 month ago

Meets requirements

• 1 month ago

meets the requirement

• 1 month ago

meets and is cool

• 1 month ago

meets requirements

• 1 month ago

over meets the lvl 3 requirements

• 1 month ago

Nice pics n meets requirements