Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


 • 5 months ago

Hi! I've been interesting in urban exploration for about 6-7 years now. Unfortunately I didn't really do much of anything back when I first got interested, but in the past year or so I've been going to a handful of places. Speaking on the requirements, I've only gotten 2 locations so far. I was hoping I would have a lot more but seems as though a lot of places I end up finding and going into are already on here! Not a bad thing, but I will always continue to be on the lookout and contribute what I can. If this is too much of an issue, then I will keep working towards it and re-apply if necessary. Regarding albums and photo contributions, I believe I've done good. I always take shots of interiors when I can get inside, taking both landscape and portrait shots with a nice, mirrorless Canon R10 that I love to put to use. I believe I deliver quality in my shots.

I've got albums from locations of all levels: a 4 (interior & exterior), a couple 3's (1x only exterior, 1x few interior shots & an exterior), a handful of 2's (few exterior only, few both interior & exterior), and a few 1's (1 interior only, a couple both interior & exterior). As mentioned, a few of these albums are only exteriors, but this is because one day I went around looking for as many buildings as I could and added what pictures I could get (which were only exteriors at the time, no PoE's found) just in case any of them were new locations. Low and behold, there was a new location! That being said, I believe it can be helpful at times to have some updated exterior shots if there hasn't been an recent album / view of the outside; for other potential explorers on the site, in case there were any major PoE / barricade changes.

I have talked to a handful of yous in Discord, and will continue to try and include myself more and more. I've really enjoyed both uploading and seeing other photos of locations on this site and I'm happy to finally be able to contribute and really act on these places and see them for myself.

I would love to get elected to level 2, hopefully there are others that agree. That being said, constructive criticism is always welcome too. Thank you and happy exploring!


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4 months ago

Update since I can't edit: My fault! I totally misread the 'activity' as just 'being here' for at least 3 months, which I have been, but yes, it is accurate, I have not been 'actively posting' for 3 months yet. My mistake! Also, I have since added a 3rd location. I have also posted more albums, though all of which have been exteriors so far. Hunting for new locations, posting what I was able to get. Anyways, thanks for the information & honest replies those of you who have voted their opinion so far :)


4 months ago

I know I'm not really one to talk but try to post less exteriors. If theres a POE but you didn't have time, just hold off on posting until you can get inside



4 months ago




4 months ago




4 months ago




4 months ago



4 months ago

It's been two weeks 💀 have you posted an album every two weeks of being on the site?


4 months ago

I mean he hasn't been on at all, no recent location album or photo comments. I don't check albums to judge if they are active or not.


4 months ago

he's been active and talking on discord big man


4 months ago

Sorry I'll analyze every possible factor before commenting


4 months ago

Lolol still here! Just getting more interiors and photos I just haven't posted yet don't worry!


4 months ago

I've got 4 (arguably 5?) interior albums coming soon just need to edit them all and stuff 👍


4 months ago

Update: I posted all 5 of my new albums all interiors. 1x L4, 2x L3, 2x L1


4 months ago

of course... I can only see 2 of them


4 months ago

LOL sorry man not much I can do that's just what the locations are leveled as


4 months ago

He has a full time job....

Promotion Election

Community Votes

Application Level 2
Status Declined
Up 3
Down 5

• 4 months ago

All exteriors, need better quality locations with interiors. Try again soon with better content. Descriptions are great.

• 4 months ago

I want to see inside things more 🤷‍♂️

• 4 months ago

I don’t know if it’s fair for me to vote, but that being said I explore with you, I know the area and how hard it is to find new locations. And I know you are very good about making sure not to give away any locations we have found such as that one level 4. Also very respectful to the places we visit.

• 4 months ago

you pretty much meet the requirements

• 4 months ago

Notice every promotion that includes something along the lines of "I know I don't meet the requirements, but..." are declined. You have nice albums but there's requirements for a reason

• 5 months ago

Pretty good photos, you're almost there with the requirements. I'd suggest getting one more locations in by the time this election is over tho.

• 5 months ago

Just one more new location to go, and a little bit more time, and you’ll be good to go!

• 5 months ago

I like the albums, the recent ones have documented photos and they are well taken. However the user has slightly less than two months of "active" activity on the site (from what I can see). Paired with 2/3 locations, I think this would be a tad bit early. I would surely upvote without hesitation if an election took place a month from now. You would almost certainly have more locations, and more high quality albums as well.