Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


 • 6 months ago

hello everyone! my love for urbex started when i was 9, binging TheProperPeople with my older cousin. in the past year, i have finally built up the courage to go out and explore. i spend all my freetime researching buildings near me, walking around town, and finding more :) i love photography as well, and i use a sony a350 to capture my locations. i am respectful when entering and leaving locations, making sure they're left the same way i found them. i find it interesting how nature can completely take over if you let it, and how some places can be virtually forgotten by those around it, and rediscovered years later. being promoted to level 2 would help me find more locations and contribute more to this wonderful community.

thank you :)


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Promotion Election

Community Votes

Application Level 2
Status Approved
Up 5
Down 0

• 5 months ago

meets the requirements, interesting locations

• 5 months ago

nice photos

• 6 months ago

Active, has some great locations

• 6 months ago

Great content

• 6 months ago

Some awesome locations, meets requirements, and active. Great content and pictures