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Satsop Nuclear Power Plant

Abandoned Other in Malone-Porter, Washington, United States

Apr 01 2022

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 18656

Located in Elma, Washington, Satsop Nuclear Power Plant abandoned two of the five nuclear power plants that were established by the Washington Public Power Supply System. Its construction began in the 1970s and the main aim of the project was to produce power enough to supply the Pacific Northwest which was in high demand for power. The nuclear power plant worked for a very short period after which it was abandoned and left to decay in despair.

The Satsop Nuclear Plant's Early Years

By 1973, building on all five nuclear power facilities had commenced. Because the project was so enormous, it was separated and allocated to different project managers, each of whom worked entirely on their assigned tasks. In 1980, cost overruns compelled substantial management changes at all five WPPSS nuclear reactors. WNP-3 was the showpiece project for WPPSS, and construction moved at an anticipated two percent per month under the guidance of the new management team brought in by EBASCO.

Tough economic times

Only a few years later, the Washington Public Power Supply System was unable to obtain the necessary funds to complete the project, so it was placed on a prolonged construction hold in July 1983, when it was approximately 76 percent complete. Construction was subsequently canceled in 1982, with only 16 percent of the project completed. Only one of the five planned nuclear reactors, WNP-2, was built and put into service.

WNP-3's equipment was saved in case construction could be restarted if regional energy demand warranted it. WNP-3 was terminated by the WPPSS board in 1994, and preservation funding was terminated in 1995. After the Construction Permit CPPR-154 was canceled in 1999, the Satsop Redevelopment Project took ownership of the land.

Second chance to life

It proved very expensive to be brought down, for that reason it was left to decay and maybe give up on its time. The plant's two cooling towers may be seen from Highway 8 as it passes through Elma. Much cannot be seen while on the freeway, for instance, many fail to see the several offices that currently occupy the building. Don't be deceived by the fact that the power plant is no longer operational. This location is now open for business. The extremely thick concrete door that served as the reactor core's gateway makes it one of the world's quietest rooms, and a business performs sound research and engineering within what would have been a highly radioactive site if the plant had been functioning. Regardless, the perpetual echo phenomenon attracts a number of music artists and computer game developers to the old decaying factory. There are no major hazards that have been recorded at the power plant since none of them was ever operational. It is completely safe and open to local and foreign tourists to visit.

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