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Russian Fort Elizabeth State Historical Park

Abandoned Commercial in Kaumakani-Hanapepe, Hawaii, United States

Mar 31 2022

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 18595

Located in Waimea, Kauai island of Hawaii, USA, It’s an abandoned star-shaped former military installation, Russian Fort Elizabeth State Historical Park. The Fort was originally known as Fort Hippo before the name was changed when the locals who built it handed it over to their Russian friends. It was later on abandoned when the awardee (Russians) rejected the gift.


In the early 19th century, Russia’s Trading Company established a small headquarters in Hawaii with the aim to resupply Russian American Companies. This was proposed after deeply scrutinizing the long distance that ships had to cover across the pacific to the USSR. In their usual numerous ups and downs in and out of the Pacific, one of the Russian ships was seized. The paramount chief of Hawaii at the time ordered his servants to personally take to him goods from the seized cargo ship. Since Russians did not want to engage in a losing battle, they took the road less taken, taking one of their negotiators to help bring back the ship together with its goods.

A man, Dr. Schaffer, was ordered to go negotiate and get the cargo together with compensation from the chief without bloodshed. With a charming personality, Dr. Schaffer was able to negotiate his way with the chief after years of convincing. Apart from getting the ships’ cargo back, he was also able to get compensation in the form of a defense fort built by the chief. Who knew friends can come out of enemies?

Fall of the Fort

Thinking that the Russians will be happy with the results, Schaffer was surprised when his treaty with the chief was declined by the Russian government. Being labeled as a traitor who went against orders given, Schaffer was set for death forcing him to flee the island. With hopes of being forgiven, Dr. Schaffer went back home to ask for mercy. Though forgiven, he was fired and sent back to Germany. Russian Fort Elizabeth was left with no occupants prompting the chief to put it to use for several years. The fort was demolished not long after it was abandoned.

Russian Fort Elizabeth State Park

During the demolition, some sections of the buildings were not completely demolished like the limestone-made walls that currently still stand. When Hawaii was finally purchased by the United States of America, the fort and many other historic landmarks that surround it were listed on the Register of National Historic Landmarks. A museum showcasing the early life of Hawaiian communities was constructed inside the fort’s perimeter. Now a state park, the former fort is open to be toured by any local or foreign tourists who are enthusiasts of old historic structures. 

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