Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Nighttime Visit In The Snow


indeed1 0

Nighttime Visit In The Snow - IMG_2111-1.jpg This whole 'area' here is the best / only way to the lower level of the barn (which is totally filled with random crap, mostly garbage, but there is like a couch and some other things down there). As you can see, the floor is totally caving in there, and some of it is straight up missing. I believe the area where there is no floor once stood some form of staircaase or something, but at the time, the beams we would have to use to climb back up (or even down) had ice on them, so that was not a good option for us.
Photo of Nighttime Visit In The Snow taken by indeed1 has 37 view(s)


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