Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

6 and Campbelville December 2020


Rellit.Noskaj 0

6 and Campbelville December 2020 - IMG_1358.JPG
Photo of 6 and Campbelville December 2020 taken by Rellit.Noskaj has 252 view(s)


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3 years ago

I dont think there are restos. I think they are working the land to prepare for a demo and a rebuild of a nicer house, with a second floor and a basement. LOL. The house truly does get worse and worse and more and more secured looking over time.


4 years ago

ishootthings I’m surprised to hear that too! Wasn’t much of a house to restore... Rellit.Noskaj no pictures of the renos?


4 years ago

What a change! Worse everytime I see it. LOL. I hope the restorations finish. But theres nothing too fantastic about the place. It was just en route on my way to the Hammer.