Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Too Much Too Handle

Mother in the Eyes-8777.jpg


Too Much Too Handle - Mother in the Eyes-8777.jpg
Photo of Too Much Too Handle taken by DARKMAN has 167 view(s)


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10 years ago

There is also alot of stuff on the floor in front of the desk that was not on the floor in my picture of this room


10 years ago

Also MIA is the mustard colored mop bucket of crap from the bathroom...


10 years ago

Good eye... hopefully an explorer picked it up wondering if it was fresh or not.


10 years ago

Actually there is a water bottle missing on the far side of the bed.


10 years ago

Yes I didn't see it either..it is well hidden. And ewww doom, you probably got some 20 year old splooge on your fingers haha


10 years ago

Wall of trash also hides it.


10 years ago

Finz says it may have been stacked in a pile of electronics by the door...hope you are right.


10 years ago

It is very well hidden in the back corner of a room that you may not have gone into... at least, it better be!


10 years ago

i couldn't find the CB and Mic??


11 years ago

GS asked me to put them back where he found them after he left them out.


11 years ago

Heeey...what happened to the skin mags?