Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Aug 2013 Visit X 2

Abandoned Commercial in New Credit (Part) 40A, Ontario

Oct 21 2013

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Aug 2013 Visit X 2 - Oshweken-Gas-Station49.jpg
With locks and bars across the doors and windows, accessing this location is practically impossible.
Aug 2013 Visit X 2 - Oshweken-Gas-Station50.jpg
View through a ceiling hole. Burned, ransacked, and destroyed, abandonments like this do not seem to last long in an untouched state on the Reserve.
Aug 2013 Visit X 2 - Oshweken-Gas-Station51.jpg
Found this statement from a council meeting document: "Chief Montour stated his concern about the community youth dropping out of school to make 'easy' money at the smoke shop. Also concerns that there is more than cigarettes being sold at the location."
Aug 2013 Visit X 2 - Oshweken-Gas-Station55.jpg
It was very disappointing to find this sheath empty in the shattered display cabinet. But then again, how would it ever have lasted?


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