Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Elfrida Farm Ruins

Abandoned Barn in Hamilton, Ontario

Nov 17 2012

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Elfrida Farm Ruins - Corners-Tagged-to-Death8.jpg
The driveway is home to mountains and MOUNTAINS of dead leaves trucked in and dumped by the property owner.
Elfrida Farm Ruins - Corners-Tagged-to-Death2.jpg
I tried to give this shot some 'fakeness'/over-processing on purpose. It was about the only angle I could find without any spray-painting in the image!
Elfrida Farm Ruins - Corners-Tagged-to-Death3.jpg
Despite how much I hate graffiti, I thought the skull side-profile was done reasonably well.
Elfrida Farm Ruins - Corners-Tagged-to-Death5.jpg
House remains - despite being closer to the road, you could easily walk right by these without realizing they are there. Thickly hidden behind trees/bushes.
Elfrida Farm Ruins - Corners-Tagged-to-Death7.jpg
No determination if the fire here caused the vacancy or came later as an arson fire in an abandonment.


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