Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Exterior, April 28/2012

Demolished House in Severn, Ontario

Apr 28 2012

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Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse41.jpg
Roadside view. Active farmland, spring planting recently done.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse47.jpg
Front corner. Doors securely locked and all windows covered on inside so no interior photos possible this visit.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse42.jpg
Side door tucked in corner.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse48.jpg
Wood addition at back of house.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse43.jpg
Appears to have been another door opening at one time. On same side of house as side door in previous photo.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse49.jpg
Wood addition hasn't held up as well as main brick house.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse44.jpg
Again all windows coverings in place, upstairs as well.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse50.jpg
Interesting entrance at front corner, looks like cellar door.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse45.jpg
Fairly ornate for cellar access (if that's what it is), alas also securely fastened.
Exterior, April 28/2012 - Brick-farmhouse46.jpg
Windowsills and brick showing weather damage.


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