Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Old School

Demolished Educational in Tay, Ontario

Feb 09 2012

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The Old School - St.-Marys-Catholic-School1.jpg
This is the main door, where grades JK, SK, 1, 2, would line up after recess to enter the school.
The Old School - St.-Marys-Catholic-School8.jpg
The grade 7/8 classroom windows. I remember a day when one of the classmates was so angry he punched the window, causing a crack.
The Old School - St.-Marys-Catholic-School10.jpg
This was the entrance used by the grade 7 and 8 class, where they'd line up to enter after recess.
The Old School - St.-Marys-Catholic-School11.jpg
This is the door where the grades 5 & 6 lined up for entry, and I can't remember which door grades 3 & 4 lined up, since the classroom was inbetween 1-2, and 5-6. The convent can be seen in the background.
The Old School - St.-Marys-Catholic-School13.jpg
I'll include more pictures of the hill, if it's wanted. We used to bring our sleds in the winter and spend the entire recess tobogganing.


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