Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

7&407 n/e corner

Abandoned Ghost Town in Pickering, Ontario

Sep 12 2011

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7&407 n/e corner - Brougham14.jpg
Little funny story about this place.. When the 407 ended here some years ago this house was to be torn down. The company extending the 407(B.Gotardo) wanted to use it for the site office.. The 407 agreed and they left it up after kicking out the tenants. When they went back a few months later to ma
7&407 n/e corner - Brougham18.jpg
Dangers of the hobbie, this is an old open septic tank i almost did not see.
7&407 n/e corner - Brougham28.jpg
This one is for spydr.. This is the only thing i found in the location i gave you.. Im going back in late fall


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