Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Timo's visit

Demolished Barn in Vaughan, Ontario

Nov 20 2011

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Timo's visit - Huntington-farm-house9.jpg
View from the NE
Timo's visit - Huntington-farm-house10.jpg
Newspaper found lining the inside of the cupboards was dated July 1992.
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The pantry.
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Beautiful built in bookcase. Glass was long gone.
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One of three staircases, this one leads to the front bedroom.
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Two windows looking south, out the front room.
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Claw marks? About five feet off the floor on the door frame, also on the door itself. Trying to get in or out?
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Good idea.
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Boarded up window
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Main staircase inside the front door.
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Beautiful view out this window, very classic shape.
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The rear of the house was an addition. The wall in one part of the house is broken away and you can see the cedar shingles that were originally used on the front of the house. The newer addition was added right over the old roof.


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