Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The barn

Demolished House in Vaughan, Ontario

Nov 08 2011

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The barn - Teston-Farm30.jpg
tried to research this Normax farms but came up with nothing. I do know the farm was part of a beef research feeding program held by Shur Gain Farms. Shur Gain was a pig farm located in the grid directly south of this location.
The barn - Teston-Farm1.jpg
This part of the barn housed cows.
The barn - Teston-Farm2.jpg
This door leads to a little white building that seems to be a part of every barn I have gone in. Don't know what its for, but every barn seems to have this room.
The barn - Teston-Farm3.jpg
Hanging chicken feeders.
The barn - Teston-Farm4.jpg
There is portable chicken cages and egg cartons all over the place. Obvious signs of an in barn chicken coup.
The barn - Teston-Farm6.jpg
More portable wire cages as we round the corner to the horse area.
The barn - Teston-Farm7.jpg
The stalls appear to be small but no doubt in my mind they were used for horses.
The barn - Teston-Farm8.jpg
Horse grooming box
The barn - Teston-Farm9.jpg
Stall with livestock feed bucket
The barn - Teston-Farm11.jpg
Horse gate ???


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