Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Heron Dandie House

Abandoned House in Mississauga, Ontario

Oct 24 2024

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Historical house from the 1800's. I was going to take pictures inside since I already went in. Sadly I was too late to take photos, It had been reboarded.


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21 hours ago

I live pretty close to this house, and I see it pretty much every day. Last Friday, I saw a kid go to town on one of the boards (Kicking and everything) in the back and it completely broke off, I was dying of laughter watching. He got in, and I don't know what happened to him afterwards. I checked up on the house a few days later and the board is completely open, you can walk right inside and see the interior. Pretty funny, it's open for now!


4 months ago

It was reboarded because of me and my dad going inside and getting caught😂


4 months ago

Fr? Dam, I went inside a couple of times with my buddy. We went upstairs and the basement. Bro how did you get caught


4 months ago

the owners were mowing the back saw us or something