2 years ago
Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga, Ontario
Historical house from the 1800's. I was going to take pictures inside since I already went in. Sadly I was too late to take photos, It had been reboarded.
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It was reboarded because of me and my dad going inside and getting caught😂
Fr? Dam, I went inside a couple of times with my buddy. We went upstairs and the basement. Bro how did you get caught
the owners were mowing the back saw us or something
21 hours ago
I live pretty close to this house, and I see it pretty much every day. Last Friday, I saw a kid go to town on one of the boards (Kicking and everything) in the back and it completely broke off, I was dying of laughter watching. He got in, and I don't know what happened to him afterwards. I checked up on the house a few days later and the board is completely open, you can walk right inside and see the interior. Pretty funny, it's open for now!