Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Night visit to the Barber Paper Mill

Abandoned Mill/Foundry in Halton Hills, Ontario

Sep 22 2024

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My night visit to the Barber Paper Mill. Lots of night shots. Enjoy.

Whole perimeter is fenced in with barbed wire. Access through the crack between the entrance gate.
Located directly past the gate.
Exterior of the building
Exterior shot of the mill.
Exterior alley.
Roof is collapsed
Exterior shot 2
Stones are pilled in a row parallel to the building.
Exterior shot 3
Access to the building.
Ramp access to the catwalk.
Interior 2
View from the catwalk.
Small interior with stairs leading to first floor. Stairs are blocked by a big metal object.
Exposed interior.
Nature has started to reclaim it's place.
Hole in the floor
Be careful. Lots of holes in the floor that you could fall through to the first floor.
Floorless room
This room lacks most of its floor. You can walk across the beam if you really want to get to the other side.
Mostly junk.
First floor pipe room
Room with pipes everywhere. Lots of pipes.
Loading bay.
Boarded up. Saw a rat crawling around. Yum.


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