Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Headman Mine

Abandoned Mine, Foundations in Cochrane, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario

May 04 2024

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The remains of an open pit mine with remnant foundations and some destroyed vehicles in the surrounding area

A view of the flooded pit
This was taken from the edge of what would have been the ramp into the pit.
The edge of the pit
This was taken from the edge of the ramp, looking south
The open pit
The pit extends back eastward from the ramp with steeper edges
A concrete pad
This pad looks as though it may have had a quonset hut on it at once point,
Another angle of the pad
Note the pattern along the edge, suggesting metal walls had been in place
A discarded VCR.
Seems like junk someone left well after the mine was abandoned.
A rock mound in a rectangle
This mine rock looks like it was deliberately placed for something
A red sheet of thin metal
Looks like its from a vehicle or machine.
A storage cube for a truck
A metal box that seems designed to be mounted on a truck chassis


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