Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Belated Boards

Demolished House in Mississauga, Ontario

Dec 07 2023

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Passed by this house countless times... Wasn't boarded up until recently. Looks like theres still some potential POE but its next to a very busy road and neighbours. Not sure if its worth the risk. Definately going to re-visit in the near future to try get some more interesting pictures.


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1 year ago



1 year ago

Lol why would they want to make something look abandoned? Its possible there had been attempts at the locations they boarded. I agree they should have done it all lol .. cheap an lazy


1 year ago

There were many more POE's prior to the boards being put up, I just kept neglecting my visit. Tried the simplest POE recently however to no avail.