Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

"And Then Some"

Abandoned House in Oakville, Ontario

Mar 21 2023

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NOTE RE CURRENT STATUS OF HAZARDS: Uneven, unreliable, soft ground with heavy growth; likely asbestos in the exposed insulation in the trailers; entering the trailers and navigating certain portions of the property entails some security risk given blind corners; I found several pieces of what appeared to by coyote scat; there are numerous sharp protrusions, many hidden; much broken glass; appears about as biohazardous as any comparable spot. Exercise caution. Note also that there are clear lines of sight to passing traffic and neighbors, as well as the 407 and the nearby roadwork area.

This location is still clearly visible from the road, and appears largely undisturbed from the last album from @lil_bucktee.

The ground today was completely waterlogged. There is long grass across the entirety of the approach to the property, including the overgrown driveway/pathway.

The small log structure appears essentially intact.

There is a bulldozed-in foundation directly across from it, about mid-way up the drive.

There are several old, rusted pieces of large farm equipment on the perimeter of the cleared portion of the property, and some newer ones, as well; given that the neighbor had cleared and baled the hay from his adjoining field, I suspect that the newer equipment belongs to that person and is being kept there out of convenience.

Even on the second day of spring, there is an arresting odor at any of the trailers or boats, and flies had begun to regroup. While at first I called out as I approached the property, in case it was inhabited/squatted in, once I inspected the structures more clearly, it was obviously long-abandoned, with branches growing through open ceilings, and vividly-colored fungus spreading on the wood.

I don't know that the story is with this property, but I wonder. The barn structure, which is mostly bulldozed-in, contains more than a few children's objects and toys. There is still a standing swing and slide set in front of it.

The larger boat, on the west side of the property, is named “And Then Some”.

I saw minimal evidence of tagging, considering the ease of access to this location, which at the time of my visit had no “private property” or “no trespassing” signs on it. Perhaps this is because it sits within an area now comprising the extension of what I believe Google told me is highway 20, and is a de facto work site.

Access was simple, although muddy. I wasn't wearing sturdy-enough footwear to enter any deeper, and I strongly suggest full foot protection. I was wearing leather on my hands and jacket, which was helpful given the overgrowth. I can only imagine what the air quality will become as the weather heats up.

The only issue was that there was no nearby parking, so I parked on a side street about a kilometer away and walked. I visited in the middle of the afternoon and made no effort to conceal my presence either visually or audibly.

An interesting location, perhaps would have been more so before it decayed so much, as the living room of the large trailer does have a certain time capsule feel to it.

"And Then Some"
An abandoned boat.
The view of the property from the street.
This is actually a view from the street extension that's being built at the time of writing; there is no regular traffic on it.


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1 year ago

I JUST went here as my first real Urbex and it was phenomenal! Everything is still standing with the exception of the log cabin, and there is little to no smell and flies most likely because it is still chilly outside. I was a little worried about squatters/ security due to it being right by the highway and easily accessible but it was completely empty and I got in/out with ease 🙂 Seeing all those little toys scattered around the property made me kinda sad. I wonder what the history is to this place?


1 year ago

super cool to see that at least one the places i visited to destress as a 17 year old during the pandemic are still around, super great pics yo!


1 year ago

Thanks so much! 17! You're brave! I like your pictures of the site, too. I bet it would still be there (and would probably be way less muddy and cold) if you went by soon. I went during the day on a weekday, and it was about as quiet as I imagine it would get, save for the middle of the night.