Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

A Hole in the Ground

Demolished Foundations, Commercial in North Grenville, Ontario

Nov 06 2021

 |  645
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All that's left of this auto shop is a big hole in the ground, the lights outside, and a bit of rubbish left behind to rot. Watch your step! 

If you look on Google maps you can still see what used to be there.

A Hole in the Ground - aviary-image-1636221719839.jpeg
It reminds me of fallout...
A Hole in the Ground - aviary-image-1636222006256.jpeg
The hole!
A Hole in the Ground - aviary-image-1636222213214.jpeg
Rusting away...
A Hole in the Ground - 20211106_132116.jpg
The contents of the hole.
A Hole in the Ground - aviary-image-1636222130550.jpeg
This hasn't held a can of coke in many moons.
A Hole in the Ground - Screenshot_20211106-142549_Maps.jpg
I wish the pumps were still there!
A Hole in the Ground - Screenshot_20211106-142448_Maps.jpg
What once was...


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