Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

For the Hull of it

Unknown Ghost Town in Belleville, Ontario

Jun 30 2010

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For the Hull of it - Point-Anne-Ghost-Town1.jpg
Dennis's Belleville hockey team.
For the Hull of it - Point-Anne-Ghost-Town2.jpg
The Hull's father was foreman at the Portland Cement Company in Pointe Anne. He is 3rd from the left.
For the Hull of it - Point-Anne-Ghost-Town3.jpg
Dennis as a youngster in front of the plant in 1954.
For the Hull of it - Point-Anne-Ghost-Town4.jpg
One of the Hull's family homes.
For the Hull of it - Point-Anne-Ghost-Town5.jpg
Dennis and his friend go trick-or-treating in Pointe Anne.
For the Hull of it - Point-Anne-Ghost-Town6.jpg
Team Canada's Dennis Hull from the most famous hockey series in history- The Summit Series.


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