Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Prisoner Of Time

Abandoned Military in Clarington, Ontario

Sep 14 2020

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Prisoner Of Time - IMG_5139uQ6.jpg
That house is grand. First glimpse. Cool tiered buildings.
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At least 4 buildings. They been here a while. Look at the tree.
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It was a interesting place for sure. Rattlecanned and beat all to hell tho.
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I believe this is what I was able to access with my limited time frame but these buildings look so similar.
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The building I REALLY wanted to get in.
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Another building.
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Same building, Different angle and side.
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Another sign of infrastructure.
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Pretty colors.
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This looks like a huge cell block TBH.
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Im not sure what this was either. But I suspect the pool was here.
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Another dramatic angle.
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Then it begins. There was so much trashpanda shit it was stoopid.
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Boiler room. Real antiquated. I was looking for a year on the tag but had no luck.
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Other part of boiler room. Stairs go up to the main floor but I walked the opposite way. It had stairs on both sides.


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