Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Even Less

Abandoned Barn, Foundations in Guelph/Eramosa, Ontario

Nov 03 2019

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Even Less - IMG_9196.jpg
I had thought it used to be cool, then I updated this gallery.
Even Less - IMG_9197.jpg
most of the metal was heaped in another pile away from the foundation.
Even Less - IMG_9198.jpg
Most of those rungs may have been solid
Even Less - IMG_9199.jpg
The rotted metal piece that went up rotted off.
Even Less - IMG_9200.jpg
Looking down in.
Even Less - IMG_9201.jpg
Pretty well the whole scene from the silo.
Even Less - IMG_9202.jpg
Never seen it until. Never seen it since.
Even Less - IMG_9747.jpg
Kool stone foundation. Even collapsed, I still love the stone.


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