Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

CFS Lac St Denis

Abandoned Military in Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Quebec

Feb 10 2016

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CFS Lac St Denis - Military-Base101.jpg
view of the operations center from the road up the hill.
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my associate and myself taking photos of each other across the interior of the operations center.
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view South from the operations center, radar tower foundation in the corner.
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view Southwest across the hills
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interior of the FPS search radar tower connected to operations center.
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looking south from the door of the FPS search radar tower.
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view of tower connected to ops center
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looking down on our adventurous band of explorers with the townsite visible at the bottom of the hill.
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entrance to the bowling alley located in the basement of whats left of the rec center in the townsite.
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entering the bowling alley, I had no idea how much satanic worshipers enjoy bowling.
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location of the lanes, ball return conveyor is upset in the middle of the lanes.
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a door within the bowling alley area, looks like access to the pin setter area.
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whats left of the lanes, the roof has begun to collapse and wont last much longer.
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the very 1950's styled ball return.
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an example of some graffiti on the ops center, anybody wanna watch "The Matrix" now?


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