Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Muskoka Centre


queenbee 0

Muskoka Centre - Muskoka-Centre-Sanitarium835.jpg
Photo of Muskoka Centre taken by queenbee has 326 view(s)


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9 years ago

yeah second floor but it was in the wing pointing towards the entrance, so the opposite of the gazebo


9 years ago

I saw it, second floor sounds about right.


9 years ago

its on the second floor on the wing closest to the gazebo, I remember seeing it, but everyone was already gone.


9 years ago

Funny thing is i remember seeing it but i can't remember where. Lol


9 years ago

I was thinking the same thing!! Where is it?


9 years ago

Whereabouts is this? I don't remember seeing this room.