14 years ago
Pontypool Grain Elevator
Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Recent status | Unknown |
Location # | 711 |
Bexley is a village located in the City of Kawartha Lakes formerly Victoria County. It is located north of Corsons (named Corsons Siding in the 1800(a)s) and NE of the village of Victoria Road.
Bexley, like other villages in Victoria County, was founded on farming industry and to a lesser extent- lumber. It did not become a ghost town; Horncastle, Dartmoor and Ragged Rapids to the NW did; as did Oak Hill to the NE.
This is its abandoned, cedar shaked church.
The Kirk House – Bexley (information from crazy_cyclist)
This church is not abandoned. Had a nice chat with the owner Barry from Barrie. He gave us information on the church and the town. He has built an addition that attaches to the church. If it weren't for the fact that he's actively doing construction in the church, he would have let my husband and I in to take pictures.
Oh, and the church is haunted. The owner said that he saw a woman in the window of the church, but there was no one inside when he went to investigate and things were still locked up tight. He's been in there working and heard someone whispering to him.
The church was built in 1884 for a Methodist congregation.
The bottom part of the wall is made of painted vertical boards while the top part of the wall is papered. There were two rows of large pews down the centre of the church with smaller ones down each wall. Services were mainly held in the late afternoon.
While the church was in operation it was also used as a library.
Even though the large windows would let in a lot of light, there were iron lamp holders and coal oil lamps in each window.
Out buildings for the church included a drive shed and a two-seated outhouse, which was very rare in those days.
In 1923 the church foundation was completely covered with wire mesh and half an inch of cement.
The last service was held in 1965. The property remained vacant until purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spear in 1971, parents of the current owner. They began to repair the church as a hobby and used it as a cottage.
On the front of the church is a sign “The Kirk House Bexley”. Kirk is the Scottish word for church.