Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Burned Out House near Ottawa

House in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Jan 28 2010

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Recent status
Location # 1058

A nice place to check out on a sunny day. Just park at the beginning of the driveway and walk up to the remains of the house. I know nothing about the history, found the place because its not far from my home.

The house is gutted, not safe to go inside. I crawled into a small space in the basement without any trouble, but thats about 2 years ago now, could be much less stable.

Lots of stuff to find in the grass around the house. Only thing left of the swimming pool is the handrail sticking up out of the ground. There is an open well, not very deep.


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6 years ago

This home was owned by the "Scharff"(not sure on spelling) family who were known back in the early 60's for having a shootout with local police. My mother grew up in the area at the time.