Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Ribs And Razors

Demolished House in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

Apr 30 2016

 |  633
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 13455

After doing some research on this building I was unable to find any details regarding what it may have been. The building is very box-like and features two stories of rooms, including two kitchens and two bathrooms. There was a broken smoke detector in one of the bathrooms that kept beeping, so if you're considering to visit this building don't be alarmed by the faint beeping you'll hear on the first floor. Throughout the house there were items found such as scattered disposable razors, pill bottles, rib bones, and a knife. There were also golf clubs everywhere, most likely used to smash in the windows and mirrors. There was no graffiti, but someone had most likely been visiting. There were shoes and sweaters in the front portion of the building, right beside a small door that I refused to enter. There were also a bunch of Tim Horton's cups and a pizza box cut-out. Behind the building there is another smaller building that was boarded up tight. I am unsure as to if both structures served the same purpose in their day.

Info I know: 8484 was originally an agricultural lot. The family, back in the day when Dufferin & Langstaff were both dirt roads, farmed the property and raised chickens. The building to the left and behind (which is 8470) was the office where they ran the family business. They sold the land back in 2010 and it sits empty till this day. The plans are to demolish both buildings in order to widen the road to accommodate all the commercial and/or industrial businesses that now flock the direct area. Sadly for the new surveying owner that bought the land, they must patiently wait as the ministry of naturally resources has stopped any work due to a singe endangered butternut tree that calls this little parcel of land home.


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1 year ago

There's still an old building on this lot that remains standing but is now used for income tax returns. The other ones have been demolished and replaced by a Shell gas station and a Starbucks. Gotta love suburban redevelopment.