Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

No Pigs in the Blanket

Demolished House in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada

Jul 10 2014

 |  941
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 10713

A house I as well as many other have passed countless times, wondering if she is active or not due to the surrounding grass being frequently cut. Finally decided to just pull around back and go for it. Clearly the property has been abandoned for some time, a calendar in the barn reads 2007. The house is small, and nice. Rather boring when it comes to the house though i must say, nothing left behind other than posters on the wall and an old speaker system pictured in the gallery, but zero vandalism (reason I am making this a FM location). The barn/stable it self was really neat. Looks to be an old pig farm with various pens, complete with a nasty black, old pee and poop and god knows what else under belly of the room with the big rectangular drops in the ground. Could anyone shed some light for me on what that might have been for? seems a little risky to just waltz live stock in there as they would 100% fall in. I have a lot of great shots, but sadly with my BM status i can only post 20 photos ! Hope y'all enjoy. Thanks to @ crazycarclub for digging up the coordinates for me as i lost where i had them written ! Police are frequently up and down looking for speeders , as well as waste management employees / people visiting the dump.


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6 years ago

Love the gallery name!