Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

1957-2023 Aerial Linseed History!

Abandoned Industrial in Toronto, Ontario

Dec 26 2023

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Showing the history of the Dominion Bridge/Linseed Oil Mill site.

1957-2023 Aerial Linseed History! - linseed factory aerial 1957.png
1957; The building located where Sorauren Park now sits is the Dominion Bridge steel company. The Linseed Factory was still active at the time this was taken.
1957-2023 Aerial Linseed History! - 1970 aerial lindseed factoryu.png
1970; Dominion is now a TTC bus garage. The linseed factory has been abandoned and the flax seed elevator is demo'ed.
1957-2023 Aerial Linseed History! - londseed 1985 aerial.png
1985; Linseed Factory has been vacant for around 20 years now.
1957-2023 Aerial Linseed History! - linseed aerial 1993.png
1993; TTC garage has been demo'ed and debris is piled on the Linseed property.
1957-2023 Aerial Linseed History! - Screenshot 2023-12-25 203853.png
2023; One of the buildings has been repurposed into a fieldhouse. There is now a patio where the flax seed elevator used to sit.


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