Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Going Nowhere

Demolished Industrial, Commercial in Kitchener, Ontario

Nov 19 2023

 |  952
 |  0

#smilingandwavingatdogwalkers #cantclosethingsoutside

Going Nowhere - IMG_9209.JPG
I suppose this would be the front. The parking lot is here. Right Front.
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Straight on.
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Peeled in.
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The side that is along Courtland.
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Right Rear. Inaccessible stairway to the basement.
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The only signage for a business.
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What I noticed as I passed the day before this was shot.
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I really think that orange jack was placed there. If so, IDK what it is supporting, or how really.
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So I crawled in the edge of the collapse. Found a reservoir. YAY!
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Looking the way I came in from the reservoir room.
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Note this one isnt rotted, but some further in for sure were to take it out like this.
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The "opening" of errrrr, opportunity? I guess.
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Thru a hole the way I wanted to walk into the collapse.
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And around a corner was a hall. Im looking up the way I came.
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Into what is left.


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