13 years ago
West Montrose Covered Bridge
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
I had looked at it each time the LRT passed by and this one time, it looked different. Its pure chance I came across it like this as I really have stayed in my city, or just outright left the Tricites to explore. Its been a rough go and I have slowed down a bit. It looks as if a homeless/scrapper got in here and is in the process of doing their thing.
This house was an explore, yes but it was one that had just about all of the stuff that people dont really want to see in one explore. Dirt, filth, feces, the remains of what once was a MASSIVE Bed Bug infestation….urine, Trash Panda turds, asbestos…… Just bad.
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I hadnt heard of this movie but now you got me interested. I read the wikipedia page and that the writer "wrote it to democratically offend every group on the planet". This place was cool to have a decent amount of stuff, but so gross that I didnt dig thru anything.
•2 years ago
2 years ago
Wicked. That toilet takes me all the way back to 1987, watching "Street Trash".