Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Old Observatory

Demolished Educational in Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

Jan 05 2012

 |  2470
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 3746

old observatory converted to a house then abandoned huge drive 4Th line and you can see it from every where around this location even the next concession


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12 years ago

Wow sad to see it go, we were just there a couple of weeks before it got demolited. I am glad a had a chance to see it.


12 years ago

Thanks for the pics of the demolition. So sad to see it gone :(


12 years ago

Love the pics with the wedding dress, we passed you guys, we where walking up when you guys came back, we spoke a few words. Really cool!!


12 years ago

Ya true...this probably shouldn't have been made public to begin with...ah well, too late now.


12 years ago

@Saintsi, many people did this, not just one. Perhaps it had something to do with the slew of people who visited this place every weekend for the last month. They probably parked right out front and walked up the driveway with a bunch of stuff, being loud and letting the neighbours just watch...


12 years ago

Who ever did that is a turd!


12 years ago

Ah, man. I wanted to hit this place too. Such a downer


12 years ago

Plus being a public location doesn't help! RIP


12 years ago

Was just here on Sunday afternoon, and we were wondering why the construction equipment was parked out back. Such a cool place......sad to see it go.


12 years ago

Too bad. This is what happens and will continue when there is a steady stream of people hitting up locations every weekend. Exploring community is growing crazy fast...hope we don't lose anymore. 2011 we lost a lot.


12 years ago

Shit indeed. I was planning on going there on Friday, dammit!


12 years ago

Noooooo, I wanted to check it out so badly :(


12 years ago

For f*** sakes...


12 years ago

Thanks for posting that picture crash....horrible!


12 years ago

I hope somebody paid a lot to have that done. What stupidity.


12 years ago

for real?!?!?! omg!!!!!! I'm so happy I got to go there before it was gone. It probably got demolished because it attracted so many people on the land, and probably bothered the neighbours seeing people going up there all the time.


12 years ago

I'd rather see just the building myself...this isn't about abandoned people?


12 years ago

Interesting.....do we usually allow model shots in galleries on this site?


12 years ago

I think I would be very happy living in that little dome home!!! Some terrific photo gallery's for this site everyone!


12 years ago

Definitely hiked back and forth twice that night! haha, oh well...it was worth it!


12 years ago

Parkin is kind of a bitch. There are houses all around really close by.


12 years ago

Yup. It's a long walk if you have a bunch of gear!


12 years ago

Did you guys hike in from the road? I drove by here late February and the gates closed


13 years ago

Love the staircase, this place would be great for a movie or photo shoot !


13 years ago

HAHAHA...I'm not laughing at you Vita, but the two photo's you took are priceless! The tissue one....HAHAHA....and the comments....HAHAHA....all comes together now!


13 years ago

sorry coundnt remember what you called them and that was the only thing i could think of that fit and the home owner must have had money when you google this plase the driveway is huge with big gates and there used to be trees and lights all the way allong it


13 years ago

Don't mean to seem picky, but it's an observatory, not a planetarium, they are not the same thing. I'm not familiar with this one, but you may be able to find out more about it if you contact the Toronto chapter of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Judging from the size of the building this is far more than an amateur set-up Unless the owner had megabucks), it looks like it was part


13 years ago

i figured some one had to have pics of this place concidering you can see it from miles in every direction


13 years ago

Sure it was a good idea to leave DNA evidence behind thought? Lol! ;)


13 years ago

Aaaaahh I remember this place! - My forehead will always remind me :)