Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

CFS Alsask

Abandoned Military in Milton No. 292, Saskatchewan, Canada

Feb 10 2016

 |  2030
 |  0
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 13182

During the Cold War, The Canadian and American Gov't through NORAD built, manned and operated for over 30 years a line of 44 Radar Stations across Canada to search for and locate any fighter planes coming across the Arctic from Russia. Most of you already know this part of the story, and here's just another example of one of these bases. CFS Alsask opened in 1963 and operated as part of the Pinetree Line until the station was disbanded in 1987. Afterwards the townsite was sold to private interests who still own and operate it to this day. The operations site, one complete Radome remaining was used by Transport Canada until 2007 when it was deemed a National Heritage Site and will be preserved as is for years to come. I explored this base in summer 2014 and unfortunately lost most of my pictures taken that day due to a damaged SD card, here's what I could save from it, sorry for the limited number of pictures. Hopefully someone can add another gallery in the future, if I don't make it back first:)


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