Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Seeking Exploration Companions


2 months ago

Indian backpacker (34/F) here in Toronto, leaving by the end of February. Since I’m visiting a foreign country, I love making the most of all the unique and unusual experiences this place has to offer. In my country, exploring abandoned places isn’t very common, but I’ve watched videos about it and would love to try it at least once in my lifetime before leaving. If anyone has plans for such activities and is okay with it, please consider including me.

I’m also interested in paranormal exploration, but I couldn’t find any specific sites. if you have ideas for any adrenaline-rush activities, I’d love to hear about them. We only live once, right? Thanks!



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2 months ago

That sounds sick a lot of cool areas down in Wichita hmu if you wanna duo up and explore some abandoned railroad manufacturing areas or even atta-berry has some cool spots


2 months ago

A popular spot is the linseed factory in toronto. Ive been recently and its pretty cool, though there is nothing paranormal about it.


3 weeks ago

Are there still access points? Ive heard that its under construction


3 weeks ago

Its not under construction, i passed by yesterday and see my album 'the masked man' for how to get in



3 weeks ago



3 weeks ago

If you are still in Toronto for the time being I would recommend both chutes&ladders and linseed as they are easy and safe enough for a newcomer, while still being amazing urbex spots.

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