Looking for friends interested in the same thing as me exploring. Im located In the "Torornto-Ottawa Corridor" Im good with any age above 18 and if you can keep your cool if things got hairy ie Homeless, Police, Hazards and fears.
A little bit about me.
My name is Dom and I was Born in the "Corridor" Which is slang for Kingston and have had the traviling blues since I was 5 or so.
Im very good with Wildlife and spent alot of my life doing my own time rehabing wild animals (Raccoons, Street dogs, Birds, Mice and a Fox) I also have my First-aid and Confined space training so Im Prepared for Hazards
I like being in hotzones for the rush of it but im also good for any level of danger, Im just tired of the stress it also brings being solo.
Have car will travel
I really really want to Explore a mine but won't do it alone just in case I get injured down there and die without a chance for help or rescue
and to wrap this up I just want to say I will leave if there is any Birch tree inside the Building, Ruin or Complex we are in for past reasons
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not a big guy for discord but I might try it
Well that's where most of the people are! And I'm sure that because you're an adult you will have no time finding someone to explore with :D
If you are interested in mines, AbandonedUE is a great place that houses a good data base of them https://www.abandonedue.com/index.php?pageid=siteindex&itemtype=district&lookup=Canada--Ontario
If you dont mind me asking, what is the problem with a birch tree?
Putting it short I was up north 2 years ago with a buddy doing a back country hike and the water around was very dirty but we risked drinking it. turned out when my bud fell the day prior the filter had broke we still tired to use it but we ended up getting sick I thought it was beaver fever but god knows. fast-forward three days we are almost out of the muskeg Region and on are 50ish km way back to basecamp he got too sick to even carry his own pack so I had to carry the canoe and two Packs for the ''last day" we hoped nightfall came too soon and this guy just couldn't do it so I told him to wait at the beach well I hiked the gear to the other side of the last trail was 7 km one way I had to do this 2 times once for gear second time for him so 21km total carrying 70kg for the first trek and a wood canoe the second time. before I went back for the canoe and hayden I had to take a breather I was burning up and dehydrated from not wanting to get even more sick the entire time there. I know it was my brain due to the heat and lack of water but in this old ruin of a mill or some sort had this birch tree right in the middle and to me it looked like a lady in a wedding dress of sort I just started crying for some reason I thought I was dying and that was my end but after a few minutes I realized that it was just a tree and I had to get my friend and get the hell out of the woods
Even though I know it was a hallucinations it still gives me the heebie geebies
Ok was just wondering, ive seen trees grow out of abandoned houses and its creepy, also that was one hell of a walk man my best was 50km with maybe like a 10 pound backpack.
it was 130 ish km trek we did I was fucking brutal but id do it all over again
Not in the "corridor" as its apparently called, but reading about your trek "up north", that sounds like my style if that piques your interest again. Canoeing/4x4/hikes in etc. If you're ever in the Timmins/Cochrane area.
i Will admit its a very unknown term Its mostly used by the older truckers in the area but I do want to try the Timmons area someday soon
A few mines but UG is always flooded in em. But other stuff around the area
Sadly so Only if i had the money to siphon them out
•1 month ago
•1 month ago
2 months ago
You might have a better time finding someone using the sites discord https://discord.gg/cq6AT5CdT7