So, knowing myself, i should take precautions and think BEFORE i go out and get killed.
I'll get the precise information on them, but lack the general list of stuff that saved your ass, such as:
Yeah, so after I get my feet wet and post something, I'll tell you how that went. Cheers!
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Sewage is disgusting. Never will or would I do that.
Yeah, I meant drain. I don't expect sewage freezes, nor do I want to verify.
Storm water doesn't really freeze either. It's constantly running. I doing want to scare you but you can die at any time even if you are prepared. This is not a safe hobby. I've fell thru a floor and shifted my pelvis, fucking my back the rest of my life. I've come upon a house with hydro leaking water all over the inside flooding the basement slowly. Essentially electrified water. I've tested floors with my tripod and had the legs to thru with no effort. You can research and prepare all you want, but in the end, you can't ever fully expect the unexpected.
Cheers, I get that. Because I've risked my life many a times hiking (just take my word for it); I know the value of circumstantial awareness. I have found many a site with the "top things to pack" but they speak little to real circumstances. A canadian (presumably, as posting on this specific forum) told me that storm water doesn't freeze is a game changer! I may test this, but with lesser priority. I've had fun hunting targets! Found my municipality's planification interactive maps (database+geolocation=magic!) including the water, zoning, contamination, sewage type, and all that good stuff.
In the winter, the stormwater drains are quite warm as it's the melt off from the road and neighbourhoods ect. In the summer the drains tend to feel air conditioned as the water is cooler than the air around (creeks tend to run thru them so development can happen above). Hiking can be comparable, but most the hazards are not what you would think as well. Some you can't see (floor I went thru was charred badly on the underside and the top looked quite good). Almost 50 is a good age for the common sense bit. Basic mask for raccoon droppings cause they are all over in those things.
ok so it kind of depends on your age i think because i pulled the huh, didn't know, sorry! thing multiple times. and it got me out but i cant get caught again. im 14 but some people say i look like im 20. an entire facemask? if you need an entire face mask to go somewhere than be careful, if the construction site has cameras and if you really want to go than go at night/dark (the only ''construction site'' ive been to is a mansion about to get demolished.) but yes they are more risky because if there is damage/vandalism you will likely be the first to get blamed. drone flying before exploring? that would get you attention in an urban setting, but i explore more rural so i don;t think anyone would care except the owner. anyway these are the the only things i feel i can answer so hope this helps!
Yeah, no. I'm almost fifty and don't qualify as innocent-looking. A balaklava wouldn't quite improve on that; thanks for the reality check. After observation, I think any of the condo towers construction sites are a rat trap where I'm likely to get caught and that's not the setting I want for a first encounter. Career-ending fun is off-limit at the moment. I'm trying to locate isolated targets, and to learn from other posts. Thanks for the input!
Yah i think middle aged men get the worst of it, they are too old to look young but too young to look like an old grandpa and say i have dementia or smth
Or you just tell the truth. Lmfao. "I'm a photographer". No "worst" of anything. I've never had to pretend I am a thing I am not while taking photos. No need to hide my intention as my intentions are not what the authorities are REALLY out to get. It's quite simple.
Oh thats actually a good one. Except either way im getting scolded, kicked off and won't be able to come back
I know a good begginer place
Not sure how to provide pictures?
•2 months ago
2 months ago
OK, re-reading me, I sound overly dramatic. I was thinking of testing sewage water before entering a pipe in winter (my current idea); understanding drainage flows; pipe diameters... basically, how not to find myself wallowing in freezing water after walking an hour in a pipe... so I scared myself. Sorry. Funny how when I thought of getting arrested it occupied all my keyboard (and thoughts). I guess I just don't want to get arrested either, and while doing that have fun?