Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Goodbye OAP


7 months ago

I stumbled across such an interesting abandoned place today, it was such a beautiful find. When I got home I decided to look into it and I came to OAP like I have for many years and I get asked for money to be able to find out about this place. Are you kidding me? I have since deleted all of my content from here that I possibly could. It was sad doing it but so nice going through so many great memories of so many beautiful places. Some that were suggested to me from Rick Cooper when he and his wife would see places in my area as they were passing along in their boat and would message me so enthusiastically that I just had to go check these places out. Of course I always would. Which contributed to many locations on this site from the beginning of it all. I remember so many ups and downs through the years and many many great people who I have met along the way. To be asked for money to have full access to this site after all this time and contribution is so insulting. I am saying goodbye and enjoy the last 19 locations I wasn't able to erase. Explore safely and responsibly friends xo




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7 months ago

What do you mean it asked for money to see the location?


7 months ago

I unfortunately think you've highly misunderstood the paid bonus functionalities of this site. The paid map feature (which is what I'm assuming you got to?) didn't exist years ago so not sure where your confusion lies but to put it simply, you do not need to pay to see a location in fact that isn't even a possibility.


7 months ago

this user hasn't uploaded anything, much less been active on the site for the past 10 years. I'm sure they saw the link to the FAQ page, which addresses paid features, as they've sent the exact same message in the feedback page as well. I'm gonna have to call this a certified Mike moment as he's tried to do this before with someone else's account (delete all their albums and locations), but if this is not a Mike moment and this user just missed the FAQ, then uh, read the FAQ.


7 months ago

mike moment lmao


7 months ago

Whats a mike moment?


7 months ago

you aren't wrong, but you aren't right either. this also isn't a place to have this discussion



7 months ago


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