Wow time flies. I am now applying for lvl 3. But first let me give a quick intro to how even started exploring. i found my first Bando on may 20 2022 and was speechless. I have never seen anything like it before. Why was the foundation made out of rocks? How old is this place? Is it a house or a church? How is it still standing? So many questions flooded my mind. I went everyday with my friends after school for a month or two after that and we finally found a way in. I was shocked it was in such good condition. I thought the floors would be all ripped apart and garbage all over the place. Nope, it was just an empty, dark ass 1860s farmhouse. We way too close to the front door and the alarm went off and we RAN. Once we left and got to the road we waited for someone to show up but no one did. Or so we thought. We went back and then someone pulled up. He did not see us so we just biked home as fast as we could. than almost a year later I did some digging on the house during class. Found out the house is 160 years old and was shocked. I then went on to flex to everyone I went to an abandoned house older than Canada itself. Some time around then I found the site (oap) and had no idea that people explore abandoned buildings as a hobby and I was instantley intrigued. I posted my first album (it was so ass I deleted it a long time ago) and was dissapointed to realize it wasn't my location.
Anyway so I found other places locally and uploaded them and applied for lvl 2. Once I got it after a month of waiting I was like damn there's lots of other places still around me I had no idea existed.
My photography id say has improved greatly since I started though my photo my quality hasn't long story short I crushed my 0.5x camera on my phone and now it has dent, hence why like half my photos and grainy and blurry af. My 1x shots are very good though id say. My low light window shots are my favourite to take. Now I am currently debating getting a proper low light photography camera ($800!?) or just fixing my phone camera ($150-$200).
Now for my contributions. I usually visit and upload 1800s/eraly 1900s farmhouses. I have a stack of location (64) as of typing this and 129 albums. As of 1 month ago I have started uploading more quality albums. No more exteriors only. My albums have lots of photos and re-ordered in it's correct order. Though I will still ask you to please excuse my grainy 0.5x shots. My best album is probably the one with the Orangeville Brampton Railway. As I walked Almost the whole thing which was 50km and I took photos of my whole adventure. I will only be uploading quality albums for as long as this site is active.
I haven't explored with anyone except my with my dad and one person on this site UnkownUbex? If you would want to explore with me than dm me on discord.
Now I get around with bike/walk/public transit. Though usually with my bike. I love biking to spots as its a hella workout which reminds me you should be able to bike at least 40km. my current pr is 105km and will be broken soon.
So that's all I have to say. I hope you consider my application and all feeback is appreciated. Now I will go back to sitting on my ass waiting for the rain to stop. Or I may go on a quick 40km Bike ride we'll see.
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1 month ago
So i show the whole thing, if i do 1x per room i have to go back so much to show the whole room for ex
1 month ago
my vote did not format correctly just to make that clear. pretend theres a period where i mightve missed one, lol
1 month ago
i feel like that second yes is a thinly veiled no...
1 month ago
Yeaaah. I feel like a few comments in the last elections make it feel like its supposed to be a super serous competition not a fun hobby with some protections against vandalism and danger.
1 month ago
Its not a competition. If i dont get it its fine lol as long as i get a reason (for which i already have. too many exteriors locations).
1 month ago
Oh yeah dude, I didn't mean to imply you were treating it that way, I meant the 2nd yes vote comment came off kinda that way.
4 weeks ago
Not even a a no by anymeans. It literally says what it says pretty clear hes clearly giving efforts and surpasses the last applicant. I referred to indeed by name for a reason tild him when i voted for him on his level 2 application about his exteriors. Buddy says he will make effort. Post 6 exterior galleries. I say same thing Then buddy goes for three and gets it. There is 0 standards That the point!!! Sorry imperia that i used your election to make a point , my yes vote is a yes. But going forth every applicant gets a yes till theres some standards. Its not a competition its never been a competition but people earned levels and respect didnt beg or be gifted levels for sidewalk bs. The standards to do or get are on a decline.
1 month ago
Unsure whether I will vote, but I will say this explorer has as many interior locations as recent level 3 promotions have gotten. He has also taken initiative to delete some of his recent exterior locations, and has stated they will focus on quality, interior locations, so I commend that. I can see there is effort within the write ups as well. With that said, I do not quite think 20 quality lvl2+ locations criteria has been met, which shows the hesitation given there's only been 2 upvotes so far.
1 month ago
It'd be helpful if promotion requirements were more specific within the requirements, like having minimum interior counts so theres less debate
1 month ago
Honestly, exteriors shouldn’t even be a thing in general.. and I was thinking that was starting to be common sense with all the talk about them.
1 month ago
or we could add a big disclaimer somewhere on the page that exterior only albums/locations are not included in the count
1 month ago
requirements should be interior only in my opinion. exteriors are good to a certain extent but shouldnt count towards promotions
1 month ago
lets do that then, i'll see if i can get it changed for all requests after this one
1 month ago
It was easier to upvote Indeed despite all the exteriors because his albums held a lot more quality ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
•4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
Cool so he edits or takes decent exteriors?. Its lame as fuck and its like a cheat to get locations or see interiors simple as that. No matter how many time its mentioned to him and he acknowledges, than Continues and gets a handjob promotion. Call it what you wanna call it . Its called enabling and y'all simps for letting it happen instead of saying shit
4 weeks ago
You can get a camera for half of 800$ EASY.
4 weeks ago
id also need it to record
4 weeks ago
Half of 800$ EASY....
4 weeks ago
Then where!?
4 weeks ago
The places STARTER cameras are. I found many for 400$ on Google. Saying you want a camera like your on a budget for 800 and then not looking for cameras apparently to find a good one to start for half the price of 800, all the whole the most cost effective is to fix the phone.... Cheap good cameras too start are very plentiful. Common sense when looking at cost effectiveness doesn't seem to be common here.
4 weeks ago
I bought a Canon T5i- which I used for the first hundred+ albums on this site, and shot an award winning short film with it, for $250. If you're concerned about low light, then get a tripod. I got a tripod FOR FREE on kijiji, and replaced it with a small light tripod for 50$ after years of using it. Also, some of my favourite albums ever I've shot on a literal 5$ camera. Cost isn't an excuse not to adapt.
4 weeks ago
Would i get a tripod and sit the camera there before taking a pic, and if you dont mind telling me where i can find your shots with said camera.
4 weeks ago
im not trying to be obtuse but yes, you sit the camera on the tripod before taking the photo. i might be misunderstanding. I mentioned a few different cameras in my comment, please be more specific
4 weeks ago
im talking about the t5i and its low light abiltities, i looked it up and found out it can record good, though i dont want to spend more time sitting and waiting for my camera to get good with the lighting than actually exploring.
4 weeks ago
well. it can record well. If you understand (learn) how iso vs aperture vs shutterspeed works, you can typically have your exposure near perfect before you even put down the tripod. if you dont want to spend a few seconds per picture for better photos then consider sticking to your phone or pay someone to take photos for you idk
4 weeks ago
taking long exposures is something just about everyone does, either you'll inevitably have to join in as well, or deal with dark/blurry/grainy photos. no one camera is going to make it so you don't have to take a long exposure anywhere.
4 weeks ago
Ok well if you say a few seconds or whatever than its fine i was kinda exagerating. Also do you know of downtown camera and what too look for a beginner?
4 weeks ago
I love downtown camera, but they are only useful for film, and buying new gear. get yourself on kijiji or facebook marketplace and look for used dslr cameras
4 weeks ago
take your time while taking photos and watch a youtube video on composition
June 5 2023
Total Locations | 64 |
Level 1 | 11 |
Level 2 | 31 |
Level 3 | 17 |
Level 4 | 5 |
Private | 0 |
Total albums | 129 |
Total photos | 4117 |
Location comments | 103 |
Album comments | 62 |
Photo comments | 9 |
Application | Level 3 |
Status | Declined |
Up | 2 |
Down | 2 |
• 4 weeks ago
I agree with whoever wrote what is below me
• 1 month ago
I’ve been sitting on this, debating on if I should even vote or not because I’m on the fence. I don’t believe you’ve met the “quality” aspect of the requirements. Your photos are not quality, and despite the other voters, I don’t believe your write ups are of quality either. Yes the write ups have good info and what not but they’re so difficult to read sometimes because your grammar is extremely poor, which makes me not look at any of your locations. You know your 0.5x camera is broken which causes low quality photos but you continue using it because you want to “show the whole thing” when you should be focusing on more quality photos rather than showing EVERYTHING. When your camera is trash, no one can even see “everything” anyways. On the other hand, you get out and really show passion for finding your own locations which is better than most! You’re improving with the whole exterior only albums which is also amazing to see but add focusing on quality over quantity to your list of improvements!
• 1 month ago
I vote yes. And sure why not guys gave indeed a level and he post exteriors like its going outta style. Everyone should be given high levels and post exteriors if he can yall can too so fuck it.. I remember when people got recommended or recognized and levels happened. Now its like couple hj's in discord chats and bs write ups and minimize actual interior exploring. Even calling out this behavior they do it anyways and get leveled up. Everyones is a yes vote from me from than on idc what they offer since its participation medal levels handed out anyways.
• 1 month ago
since no one wants to start the vote, i guess ill take it into my own hands you got a lot of exteriors. a whole lot. photos arent the best ever but they work, at least you show the whole house, even though sometimes the photos are blurry. writeups also are decent too, no complaints on that. though what i value the most in these elections, is how many interiors you got. and ive counted about 14 interiors out of your 64 locations. and were not counting getting into a garage, thats not a proper interior location. though i will say, 14 interiors does beat a couple of the more recent people that have received level 3. and i dont think your gonna just go inactive after you receive the promotion. so ill give you an upvote youve been improving in my opinion, and i hope to see more content from you in the future
1 month ago
Why do you continue to use your 0.5x cam if it’s shit?