Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


 • 4 months ago

I won't sit here and try to gaslight anybody that I've reached the full requirements. I am applying 3 weeks early. But before you downvote me, let me explain why I am applying now, rather than 3 weeks later.

I'm an urbexer, based in Toronto, that has found a great passion for exploring. But overtime, this passion of exploring, has branched out into exploring abandoned places. And then that passion, has branched out into finding NEW spots to explore.

To be completely honest, I don't need any spots. This is not why I am applying for level 3. Let alone exploring anything else that's not an abandoned place, even when I do run out of spots, I know how to find new ones, after countless hours and hours of mapping out the whole city. Was this worth my time? Probably not to be honest. But at least now my problem of "having no spots and having to apply for lvl 2" a few months ago, has turned into the problem of, "where do I go this time?"

And this is why I'm applying for level 3.

With access to level 3, I will be able to potentially see pins that I am not updated on. Rather if someone has already been there and uploaded it as an exterior, or I get to see what said building looks like on the inside, and or what hazards, I will be able to prioritize which areas I go to.

The good thing with level 3, is that if lets just say one of my pins isn't on there, is that it's either a level 4 I'm refinding, or it's a new location to contribute and continue to help expand the database. And as long as I'm able to keep leveling up, I don't have a problem to keep uploading my explores. At first it was more of a task to take photos, but that task has turned into a hobby, hence why my quality of albums has improved (at least I hope you guys also think that way as well).

I've had my ups and downs in this community, but going forward as a level 3, I don't want to be seen as some "immature teenager". I want to be seen as a respectable member of this community. This is something I have been working to improve on overtime, and something I want to keep striving towards. Sometimes I might say some dumb things, but I want to move past that.

Obviously I find these and explore these spots with good intentions. I am not a vandal. I go in for photos, look through some items if the spot isn't empty, and then leave how it was. There would be no reason to not trust me with level 3 either, as I've already explained earlier, I don't want new spots, I just want updates. And I want updates, to help the database.

Besides contributing new locations to the database, another thing I will do is the same thing I did with level 2 recently. Go through all the Toronto locations, and update them. (at least from what I can see online, or if I've passed by it, etc.) The whole point of having a database like this is to record abandoned places, but it's also nice for everyone else to be updated, rather if a spot is now demolished, now has security, all those sorts of things.

If you feel like 3 weeks makes the difference, then you'll see another application in 3 weeks. Besides applying early, I meet and have surpassed the other requirements (at least the ones you can surpass). If there's another reason, I will always take criticism. Thanks for your time.


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4 months ago



4 months ago

Meant to vote" NO", hence my nope comment just clicked wrong box


4 months ago

meant to click upvote "Last month (9/15/24 to be exact) you stated on discord “atp i could care less about spots getting leaked to be trashed. sometimes trashed looks better. i mean i would only feel bad for the property owners if kids went and destroyed their properties” Although you did back it by saying, “i care to gatekeep cuz ive spent so much fckn time” “ive wasted so many hours” I don’t believe you really know the meaning of urban exploring nor enjoy the hobby as much as you may claim. Due to these statements, joking or not, you need some more time to grow and learn."


4 months ago

user has removed all their albums and locations that they could, presumably as a response to one of the negative feedbacks


4 months ago

however I'll still let this run its course in case this was an impulsive decision that they come to regret and come back for whatever reason


4 months ago

Agreed Usually its an impulse, we have seen it a couple times lol


4 months ago

"I don't want to be seen as some "immature teenager". I want to be seen as a respectable member of this community." the first step is to recognize your faults, and take what people say as a means to improve. not wipe your existence off this platform from one bit of negativity or criticism



4 months ago



4 months ago

quite some controversy i see


4 months ago

its funny because yall think im going to keep trying to please you guys in order to try to keep improving your database. level 3 will barely benefit me i was just satisfying seeing numbers go up for the time being. thanks for the memories but that downvote was only the cutting point for me, i dont want to be involved in this community anymore.


4 months ago

whatever will we do without toronto teen #290384 letting us know something is demolished.. the database has fallen, billions must explore. the comment about recognizing your faults and seeking to use criticism as a means to improve is one you should take to heart. instead of accepting that the comment is representative of positions that you have held in the not so distant past (you are the one that sent those messages anyways), and maybe still hold, you instead spaz out and delete everything. you are more than welcome to continue using this website should you desire to, you just need to mature some more and become more receptive to criticism. take a break and think things over, you need it.


4 months ago

Ya what they said ☝️


4 months ago

to improve what? am i supposed to fckn cry if a spot gets leaked? all you guys are full of shit. yea i can take criticism but when its some stupid over and over and over and this server is run by people like yourselves, i defintely would rather stay out.


4 months ago

and im immature for "not understanding the true art and meaning of urban exploration". you trespass onto random peoples properties and take photos and consider it an art LOL get a fckn life. people do this shit to go outside and enjoy themselves and all you guys think your just above everyone and some kind of urbex kings


4 months ago

I agree bro start your own ig and do what u what like me the comments thy leave prove thy r toxic


4 months ago

"i dont want to be involved in this community anymore" but you keep logging in and stirring the pot. take a break. calm down. you're missing my point. you aren't supposed to cry if something gets trashed or leaked, but you should aim to ensure your actions don't lead to that happening. sometimes that does happen, and its fine, we all make mistakes, what matters is that you learn from that. instead of doing that, you've just become apathetic to the whole thing. i did not say that you were immature for "not understanding the meaning of urban exploration", i said you need to become more mature largely because you massively overreacted to a comment. i am well aware that i am not the pinnacle of anything, nor do i claim to be outside of purely satirical circumstances. i just like the photos i take, the places this hobby has taken me and the people i've met along the way.


4 months ago

lsin if you feel this community encouraging gatekeeping is toxic, nothing is keeping you here. you are free to leave if you want to. no need to stay and talk shit


4 months ago

I was hovering on maybe saying "yes" last night but didn't decide. Glad I waited. I wasn’t super keen on the way this was written, but it was ok. There’s a bit of a self-aggrandizing undertone, like “I’m gonna do super important work and be God’s gift to OAP” or something. Like taking urbex and yourself a tad too seriously. Then of course ironically this happens: " you trespass onto random peoples properties and take photos and consider it an art LOL get a fckn life. people do this shit to go outside and enjoy themselves and all you guys think your just above everyone and some kind of urbex kings" You can just enjoy the hobby and chill, or take it more seriously if that’s your thing. Either is fine here I think. What’s super off-putting is the tone, and the shift from treating getting level 3 like it’s important, to “haha you guys are losers this is just a hobby”, making it seem like you only value anything if you get what you want. Like, I think boardgames are just unimportant dumb fun, but even for something unimportant, I wouldn’t want to be sharing space with a guy who goes from taking them seriously to flipping the table and calling them stupid, whenever he’s losing. It’s not about the hobby, it’s about the obnoxious attitude.


4 months ago

Why talk about things you haven't done yet without mentioning what you've accomplished. You've been to tons of great places. Your content has improved, from 0.5 photos while you walk through the house to standing still to take them. It's in the right direction, but you're still barely floating above mediocracy. You hinge off of approval from strangers online, looking for admiration of locations. Your "demolished" might of been useful to someone, but you are incapable of "always taking criticism." OAP will thrive without you.


4 months ago

Remove my upvote now, I doubt that’d change the outcome though, lol


4 months ago

Mine was an accident too


4 months ago

Come work for me >;)


4 months ago

Lmao the mods didn't even need the week to think about it. Dude got denied on the spot


4 months ago

Its the poor attitude shown by the slightest feed back. As soon as anything said ,their true opinions and feelings came out Initially id voted tried to vote no because they havent been here even a year total but id accidentally clicked yes. The way they raged or beeked off after only reaffirmed. Person seems like a loose cannon. Whats next If somenone makes them mad ? Do they tell ? Seem to like long winded flapping their gums already.. Cant shit on the community and expect it to like you. The pics were good, the effort was there but the attitude is not there 👎 If i had to guess id guess their 15

Promotion Election

Community Votes

Application Level 3
Status Declined
Up 7
Down 8

• 4 months ago


• 4 months ago

"I don't want to be seen as some immature teenager" lol

• 4 months ago


• 4 months ago

Got a bad attitude.

• 4 months ago

"Last month (9/15/24 to be exact) you stated on discord “atp i could care less about spots getting leaked to be trashed. sometimes trashed looks better. i mean i would only feel bad for the property owners if kids went and destroyed their properties” Although you did back it by saying, “i care to gatekeep cuz ive spent so much fckn time” “ive wasted so many hours” I don’t believe you really know the meaning of urban exploring nor enjoy the hobby as much as you may claim. Due to these statements, joking or not, you need some more time to grow and learn."

• 4 months ago


• 4 months ago

Attitude isn't great.

• 4 months ago

Acts as if the number in their username was their age

• 4 months ago

Last month (9/15/24 to be exact) you stated on discord “atp i could care less about spots getting leaked to be trashed. sometimes trashed looks better. i mean i would only feel bad for the property owners if kids went and destroyed their properties” Although you did back it by saying, “i care to gatekeep cuz ive spent so much fckn time” “ive wasted so many hours” I don’t believe you really know the meaning of urban exploring nor enjoy the hobby as much as you may claim. Due to these statements, joking or not, you need some more time to grow and learn.

• 4 months ago

drops good locations

• 4 months ago

He gets out a lot finds great spots i think he’s met all the requirements and really shows that he cares about the hobby and finding place this ones a yes for me

• 4 months ago

A quality explorer

• 4 months ago

Consistently active and finds high-quality locations. One of the most dedicated to finding new locations.

• 4 months ago

"I don't want to be seen as some "immature teenager". I want to be seen as a respectable member of this community. This is something I have been working to improve on overtime" Keep going. I don't think you're there yet.

• 4 months ago

by the time the votings over, three weeks would already have passed lol. contributions are certainly there, picture quality is good and it’s obvious you spend a good amount of time on writeups. passionate explorer, gets a thumbs up from me