Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


 • 1 day ago

Before being introduced to OAP by an Ontario friend, I was only exploring for the thrill of the adventure and internal thoughts of "What could have happened here?". But after joining the community and looking at the albums I was able to view, I started changing up my photography aspect of exploring as you'll notice when comparing my early albums to more recent ones. Still have a lot of improving to do though, especially when it comes to more dilapidated locations so I'm open to any constructive criticism! Tried keeping this one short since I'll get into my life story with urbex when the time comes but for now i'm hoping my contributions can speak for me. Thanks for your time:)


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1 day ago

Locations are beautiful, captured in a stunning manor. Some of the most unique finds I've seen on and off OAP. Comparing photos from 2 months ago to the most recent album is an impressive improvement. Keep it up!

Promotion Election

Community Votes

Application Level 2
Status In Progress
Up 12
Down 0

• 6 hours ago


• 14 hours ago

Far surpasses the level requirements. Keep it up!

• 1 day ago


• 1 day ago

Amazing locations, high-quality photos, and lots of albums. Easiest upvote ever.

• 1 day ago

Oh hell ya, you’re stuff is great

• 1 day ago

Everyone else already said it all.

• 1 day ago

self explanatory. while i dont vote on every election this one was a must

• 1 day ago

I often forget to vote on people's applications but am making sure I don't miss out on this one. No concerns here, lots of quality content with interest to keep delving into things further which is always a good sign. That, and you have contributed a lot in an area where most of the rest of us don't get to see

• 1 day ago

honestly, i might've bumped you up to level two myself if you took longer to ask for it.

• 1 day ago

wow! only thing stopping you from being a lvl 3 is the time limit. great contributions

• 1 day ago

Beyond earned a level 2 promotion, and deserves a level 3!

• 1 day ago

This is level 3 worthy!