Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


 • 2 months ago

Hey to everybody on this site, I'm currently a level one user hoping to achieve level two. In the requirements to attain level two, it says that one must contribute to 10 albums and find 3 new locations of any level. While I have only contributed to 6 albums, I have found and contibuted to 6 additional locations. I recall seeing another user with a similar predicament be accepted, so I thought I'd give this a shot. On another note, I don't give out locations, nor would I ever dream of vandalizing a place. I try my best to put detailed writing in all of my posts concerning the history, location description and risks involved in exploring said location.

In the attainment of level two I would be able to contibute to more places in the Tri-City Region (Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambrige), Guelph and adjacent towns and counties. My only mean of travel is by bike, so I am limited in terms of distance, though I keep going further and try my best.

I appreciate any and all consideration of this request, and I'd also appreciate any feedback concerning anything in relation to this application or the content I put out.



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2 months ago

Additionally, I'm not sure if "3 months of activity" pertains to account creation, time on the site, the first album posted or the actual date the first album's pictures were taken. Once again, I am just trying this out looking for feedback.


2 months ago

your 6 locations do count for albums, just so you know.


2 months ago

Thanks for letting me know.



2 months ago


Promotion Election

Community Votes

Application Level 2
Status Approved
Up 7
Down 0

• 1 month ago

qualified for level 2

• 1 month ago

This seems like a good user who filled requirements well enough and nothing worries me about promoting them

• 2 months ago

Meets minimum requirements, keep up the good work

• 2 months ago

high quality content

• 2 months ago

looks good, keep it up, really liked the mill stuff

• 2 months ago

meets requirements, has some awesome high level content. Keep it up, can't wait to see where you go next

• 2 months ago

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