Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places



3 weeks ago

I haven't been exploring for as long as other people, but I know the rules and respect them. I've submitted photos for >10 locations, many of which are higher than my current level. While I'm capable of finding new locations (or rediscovering ones that people have already found), I'd like Level 2 access because I prefer to know what kind of hazards I'm dealing with ahead of time. Furthermore, I want to take photos from angles that few people have done (e.g. rooftops with no ladder access).

Possible caveat: the "new locations" that I've discovered so far are exterior-only. This is because I couldn't find a POE and/or the security was too tight. I still need more experience in that aspect.


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Promotion Election

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Up 0
Down 5

• 2 weeks ago

More interiors and you're set!

• 2 weeks ago

FW has been around long enough that I wouldn't call them a fly-by-night. Just needs a few more locations.

• 3 weeks ago

Get that experience and you'll get my vote

• 3 weeks ago

Get 3 with interiors and I’ll upvote for sure, good work though

• 3 weeks ago

Albums have low/blurry photos and most of them are exteriors only.