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Top 3 Abandoned Places In New Hampshire

1 year ago

There are so many abandoned places in New Hampshire! This is a list of the top three abandoned places in New Hampshire. Browse through all abandoned places in New Hampshire

1. Isles of Shoals

Isles of shoals are groups consisting of small islands and tidal ledges. These are one of the abandoned places in New Hampshire. These groups of islands are located approximately 6 miles away from the East Coast of the United States at the border of the state of Maine and New Hampshire.

History of the Isles of Shoals

These groups of islands were residents of indigenous people, who used it for seasonal fishing camps. In the early 17th century these lands were settled by Europeans. This place is the northernmost fishing port of the United States and Rockport, Massachusetts is the southernmost. Isles of Shoals was one of the fishing areas for the British and French colonies. The isles of the shoals were named "Smith Iles" by English Explorer Captain John Smith in 1614. This name lasted till the colonization of New England and the British began. Later in 1623, another explorer named Christopher Levett along with his 300 fishermen discovered the isles. Which were then fully abandoned.The first town named Apledoore included all the island was found in 1661 and operated by the Massachusetts Bay colony along with the province of New Hampshire and the province of Maine. In the following years, the name changed to Iles of Shoals. From the year 1680, the population started to migrate into two islands: Star Island, which is now under New Hampshire and the other was Hog Island, also known as Appledore,  which is under Maine. In later years New Hampshire established another town named Gosport on Star island. In Appledore Island, there was a famous summer hotel built by Thomas Laighton and Levi Thaxter.

Isolation of Isles of Shoals 

Due to the Revolutionary war in 1778, the newly build Gosport town needed to be moved to Rye in New Hampshire and this small island was abandoned. Moreover, many rampant incidents took place in the Isles of shoals like a double murder, an escaped victim, and a jailbreak.  These unfortunate events give birth to many spooky stories about the isles. One of the most infamous murders incidents happened here in 1873, the Smuttynose murders. Two women were found murdered and the murderer escaped from the place. It was believed that the ghosts of the poor victims haunted the rocky isles mainly around Marren's rock.

Today's scenario of Isles of Shoals 

Today most of the islands are private property and some of the islands are used for fishing. The Appledore is the operating station of the Shoals Marine Laboratory. And the island is mostly owned by Star Island Cooperative.

2. Livermore

Livermore is an infamous ghost town of New Hampshire.  Livermore was located in Grafton County, New Hampshire. It is an unincorporated civil township. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was a logging town. In its peak days, the highest population was hardly 150-200.

History of Livermore 

The Saunders family mostly owned a maximum of the places of Livermore. Even the logging operation in Livermore was also established by Daniel Saunders Jr. and Charles W. Saunders, the members of the Saunders family. In the early days when there were only woodlands this place along with the nearby town Lincoln woodland was known as "Pemigewasset Wilderness". But after the town was built here, it was named after Samuel Livermore, who was a former Senator of the United States and was the grandfather of Daniel Saunders's wife. As there were no such boundaries between the two towns of Livermore and Lincoln many charges and countercharges happened between the two families of Saunders from Livermore and James Everall Henry from Lincoln. But in later years there was a settlement that happened under the supervision of the New Hampshire legislature and drew the borders of these two towns.Once mined in the East pond of Livermore, there were found Tripolite, also known as Diatomaceous Earth. Later the road to the East was named after Tripoli road. The town was operated by several corporations. For instance, in 1874, Grafton County Lumber Co. Incorporate, 1875, Sawyer River Railroad incorporate, etc.

Abandonment of Livermore 

In 1927 a November storm destroyed the Lumber industry mostly. Within the next year, the last mill was closed down.In 1937 United States Forest Service purchased 12 acres of parcel land for inclusion in the White Mountains National Forest. The last residents left the town in 1949. Since then the old town was overgrown and isolated from human hands. Once a popular town caused abandonment.

Recent status of Livermore

According to a census report of 2020, the population in Livermore is 2. The whole town was still abandoned. Most of the town is now a part of White Mountain National Forest.

Today this infamous ghost town is divided into two parts one is an overgrown forest and others where still some ruins left of this old town. But the main thing that attracts the tourists here is in between this old forest there one can find a modern house including all the modern households. Visitors came for hiking here in the wilderness.

3. Old Hill Village

Hills or Old Hills village is one of the ghost towns located in Merrimack County, New Hampshire, United States. Dated back to 1941 the place was taken to make a flood control reservoir. But many reports also stated that it was not the real reason, the real reason was due to some paranormal activities taking place here this old village was relocated.

History of Old Hill Village 

This place was earlier known as New Chester in 1753. As the people who lived there were maximum, last names were Chester. They bought 30000 acres of land on speculation. In 1830, townspeople learned that more than 100  Communities were last-named Chester so they wanted something different and then they changed the name to Hill, after the governor Isaac Hill at that time. The town was built near the river Pemigewasset, which was the main source of water for the mills in New Hampshire, Connecticut and Massachusetts. But the main problem was this river was  prone to flooding as it carried the melting snow from the White Mountain. To control the flooding, a flood control dam was built a few miles away from the village so the whole town was relocated to another place for the safety of the residents.

The new village was established in 1941

Decay of Old Hill Village 

There are many stories about the abandonment of this place. Some say the main reason behind the isolation is paranormal activities even though many locals trust this thing blindly. Many Eerie stories about the place were moved around. But some researchers proved that the real reason is that this old hill village was a flood control reservoir for the nearby Franklin Falls Dam project.  With the help of the Hampshire Government, the inhabitants of this place were moved to another place and started to plan a new village for their good. The New Hampshire State Planning and Development Commission helped them in their work of building new villages.   And this old town was an abandoned place permanently.

Recent scenario of Old Hill Village 

Today it was a visiting site for many tourists. And many people reported that they encountered real ghost activities here. After hearing these stories many visitors love to discover the ruins of the old village. one can go hiking through this old village and enjoy the nature around the place. This place has it's all value which enriches the place entirely.